COVID-19 Response

Give here to meet CarePortal needs financially! 

Practical Tips for Meeting CarePortal Requests

Consider delivery options and preferences. One of the ways we can love our neighbor best is by asking and not assuming. Perhaps they are most comfortable limiting their interaction with others. It’s best to ask ahead of time if they’d rather have you drop it off or knock and let them know!

Note: if you need to just drop off the items outside the door:
– Schedule a time for the drop off so you know the recipient is home.
– Text or call to let the recipient know the items are delivered.
– Take a picture of the items at the door, just in case a mischievous passer-by tries to take advantage of the situation.

Avoid entering into homes. One of the best parts about meeting a CarePortal request is engaging with the family and setting up whatever you may be delivering. Yet one of the best ways we can love our neighbor is the distance we put between us and the fresh air that comes with being outside. .

Wash your hands. Yes, we’ve heard this alot, but it still is good to say!

Wear a mask. With this being allergy season in Oklahoma, there’s lots of sneezing and coughing! Understandably, the coughs and sneezes have everyone on high alert these days. If you know you’re prone to a sneeze or cough, use a mask or even a bandana. While we know this doesn’t prevent you from contracting the virus, it helps ease the minds of those you are in contact with as you deliver.

Keep your distance. Sorry, no hugs. It’s one of the best parts of a delivery, but these days it’s best to keep a few feet away from each other and settle for an air high-five.

Follow up. This is key. With everyone feeling the isolation and closures, it can be so lonely for families that don’t have community around them. We highly encourage you to check in a few days after a delivery to see how the family is doing. A simple “praying for you” goes a long, long way! Especially the longer these mandated stay at home orders are in place, following up will be vital!

CarePortal Best Practices in days of COVID-19

Please use common sense and follow local and national guidelines in this season of concern in engaging with CarePortal needs.
  1. Do not engage in service and connections if you are not feeling well.
  2. Do not engage in service and connection if you or anyone you have been in contact with has been in proximity with someone with the virus.  Please practice self-quarantine.
  3. Avoid making direct physical contact with clients and partners and cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.
  4. Wash your hands well and often.
  5. Continue to use tier 1 best practice engagement tips
  6. Please follow CDC recommendations regarding the use of cloth face coverings. More info can be found here:

Remember we have an obligation in James 1:27 to meet the vulnerable (orphan & widow) in their distress.  With that in mind we should be prudent and wise on not bringing more risk and harm to vulnerable populations by utilizing extra concern as we serve and minister.  Many of our families and children are already at risk medically and socioeconomically and even emotionally/mentally.  This season of fear and crisis only can add to their concerns ostracizing them from the relationships, connections, support and hope they need the most.


Church & Community Members: 
CarePortal is a wonderful tool for ministry for such a time as this in every church and in every community.  We need your help in meeting needs in the external impending crisis’ but also the ones that may hit internally as church members are impacted as well.Today we continue to work with state and local leadership to collaborate efforts to assist some of the most vulnerable in our communities including children and families involved in the child welfare system.  We are also being asked by state leadership to extend services to other populations in this crisis but we can’t do this without your support.  We can do our part but we can not do every part and your help is critical.

Here is some things that you can do:

2.  BUILD A LIST OF PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP:  This is one of the most powerful features of CarePortal.  It doesn’t matter how but you need to build a team of emails and phone numbers.  CarePortal has a great list of features to add members including kiosk mode, church/group web pages, manual entry, and bulk upload.

3.  ADVOCATE FOR NEEDS:  You control your list and can either send out needs automatically or as they come from trusted partners in the community

Church let’s be the church now more than ever

Chris Campbell
Executive Director

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